Because it’s pressure fried, Genuine Broaster Chicken® is more tender, juicier, and flat out tastes better than ordinary fried chicken – even better than other pressure fried chicken for that matter! With more than 65 years of experience, no one understands your needs better than the Broaster® Company.
One of the great features of being a Genuine Broaster Chicken Trademark Operator is that you can choose to offer any one of the products listed below – or up to all three if you want to. A Convenience store Operator or a College could choose to only offer Genuine Broaster Chicken Tenders on their menu. A Restaurant could feature our delicious chicken and tenders all the time and then spice things up on a Tuesday and feature our Spicy Chicken.
Our trademark food programs come with everything you need to succeed and the flexibility to serve what your customers want, when they want it.
Sample Menu Ideas

3 Styles of Genuine Broaster Chicken

A customer favorite for 65 years, this is the same recipe LAM Phalen developed back in 1954 when he invented the first commercial pressure fryer. Fresh, 8 piece cut chicken is marinated in Chickite marinade and then lightly coated with Slo-Bro coating. Genuine Broaster Chicken is one of the only chicken programs on the market with a bread ahead coating process. Operators can do all their breading in the morning and then simply drop in their Broaster Pressure Fryer as needed for orders. This process speeds up the cooking process and allows higher throughput during peak periods. It also provides customers with a lightly coated product that has a crisp coating without being too crunchy.

Based on our original recipe, Genuine Broaster Chicken Spicy uses an Extra Spicy Slo-Bro coating to kick the heat up. It has the same light coating you know and love from Genuine Broaster Chicken and answers the need for those who crave something a little on the hotter side.

The newest addition to the Genuine Broaster Chicken line up, Tenders feature a crunchy coating in a boneless format consumers are seeking. Tenders are growing in popularity among the younger demographics and not just kids! Tenders are seen as easier to eat, especially in our always-on-the-go society. What sets Tenders apart from the 8 piece cut products is that the tenders are premarinated and then flash frozen in easy to use bags featuring a long shelf life. Operators simply slack out the tenders and then bread using our flavorful Slo-Bro Tenders Coating and process and drop directly into their Broaster Pressure Fryer.
Become An Operator
Bringing America’s Favorite Chicken to your customers is easy and profitable. Ready to become a licensed trademark operator?